Six-Pointed Star: Its Origin and Usage - New 5th Edition @ $17.99 USD ea. |
As the sun begins to set in the camp, the High Priest is ceremoniously lighting the oil in the Seven-branched Candlestick. The light flickers as the Cloud settles on the Holy of Holies. It is a spectacle indeed, in the middle of the desert—arid and parched. Yet, the worship begins.
God and His story with mankind is intriguing history. He is known as the God of Covenants, and this book addresses the Everlasting Covenant that God sealed with a symbol, not just on earth but in Heaven also. You will be enjoying and enjoining as you read about the facts of the Seven-branched Candlestick given by the God who desires to be a Father and to establish an everlasting and unbreakable consanguinity with His children forever. Indeed, God commanded His people to light the Seven Candlestick every Sabbath to commemorate this Everlasting Covenant as a statute forever in their generations in Leviticus 24: 1-8. This symbol of the Everlasting Covenant is recorded in Heaven in the Book of Zechariah 4:2. Finally, in the end of days, John sees Him in the midst of the Seven Candlestick in the book of the Revelation (Rev. 1:13). In the book of the Revelation 4:5: and “out of the throne proceeded lightning and thundering and voices, and there were Seven Candlesticks of fire burning before the Throne which are the Seven Spirits of God.” Read about your rights—in Heaven and on Earth that have been established by the Everlasting Covenant and sealed by the Seven-branched Candlestick forever. |
Everlasting Covenant @ $17.99 USD ea.
Author: Dr. O. J. Graham is a journalist turned theologian and is well-known for in-depth research and accurate reports. The research and documentation in this book will cast away any doubts about the God who created all things, who made His children in His own image and established with them an Everlasting Covenant that most have never even heard of.
Contact the author through the publisher.
ISBN 978-0-9689383-2-4
The night was warm and sultry and the smoke for the lamps cast eerie shadows on the walls. Outside the sky was a deep midnight blue with a million stars setting off their dazzling spectra lit by the Middle East moon. The air was pungent with the smell of the lilies. The streets were dusty and quiet. Very few hooded figures appeared intermittently while they furtively made their way from one building to another. Outside the palace of King Solomon the usual guards stood still in their nightly vigil. Now and then, one coughed or said a few words. Inside the palace the air was thick with the fire of the moment that only men understood. Girls danced with veils attached to jewels in their hair. They twisted and turned. Their eyes smoldering and dark over thin veils. Veils that hung from their bodies revealing skin here and there as they moved and flowed like cobras moving to the sound of the master’s lyre. Thin veils against skin giving the promise of what might be later. Ankle bracelets sending off lights of fire by the burning oil lamps as they dipped and turned. The King was drunk. He was celebrating his victories. After all, with the help of his mother, Bathsheba, he had managed to usurp the throne from his father’s eldest son, whom he had to kill to ensure the kingdom would always be his—without constant threat.
In time, Solomon’s deceptions and idolatry would split the Kingdom of Israel in two—and many events would take place that almost destroyed the Kingdom that David had left. But Solomon’s Kingdom would continue throughout generations—a parallel to the Kingdom of David that would know no end.
Solomon left a legacy of occultism that would allow an infiltration that began before the creation of man told by the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel and would end with the words of the prophet Daniel coming to pass. The number 666 was attached to Solomon in 1 Kings 10:14; making him the prefiguring of the man of sin—the anti-Christ brought about by the continued plans and Solomonic rituals in the secret societies of the world. This book tells the details of the Kingdom of Solomon and the effective symbolic interactionism that ensued from his blatant idolatry and witchcraft after he married Pharaoh’s daughter. |
Kingdom of Solomon and Symbolic Interactionism @ $17.99 USD ea.
Author: Dr. R. S. Heisreal has worked in mass communications media for over forty years and has traveled throughout the world. Dr. Heisreal has applied a unique talent to the research and documentation of King Solomon’s Kingdom that will rise again in the last days.
Contact the author through the publisher.
ISBN 978-0-9689383-4-8
The Celebration of Life - white and gold booklet @ 5.00 USD each |
and Occultism: Why? booklet @ 5.00 USD each |
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Messiah And The Menorah booklet- gold and white @ 5.00 USD each
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To Riches (gold and white linen brochure) witnessing tool @ 2.00 USD each
Create (with red rose-glossy paper) witnessing tool @ 2.00 USD each |
report on symbols found at occult crimes - P & H @ 2.00 USD ea. |
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And History - 16 manuals with tapes 150 - 250 pages @35.00 USD ea. |
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