Death: the Celebration of Life: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die…." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

You have lost your loved one and you are hurting, and you are thinking: "I can understand the statement, "God makes all things beautiful in His time." But, what about death? I do not understand. Why would a loving God make death? These questions only serve to increase the pain you are feeling.

What exactly is death?

Death is a passing from one realm to another. Consider the unborn child. He does not know where he is going. He lies in his mother's womb. He is fed. He is warm. He is very secure. Science has now proven through sonograms that he sucks his thumb and plays. He moves his tiny hands and kicks his feet. He knows no troubles and indeed, he is comfortable, and secure. But the time comes when he too, must pass from one realm to another. He must come out of the security of his mother's womb and be born into the world.

Suddenly, as if in an earthquake, he is pushed into the unknown. It is now realized that this birth is very traumatic for the child. It has been termed "birth trauma." He does not know what is happening, he does not know where he is going. He has never experienced this before, and he never will again. Birth, like death, is a one time event in each human life, and to the child there is fear of the unknown.

But to those who are waiting to receive him there is no shock, because they know what is happening and they know where he is going. Birth is a type of passing from one realm into another. Here we see the pregnancy dies, with the birth of that child - another example of death passing into life. From this example we can understand that the death of the pregnancy has resulted in the birth of the child.

It is in understanding death then, that we understand life. As it is with joy and sadness. It was Patience Strong who penned the words:

If we have never experienced the bitter cold of a winter night, we would never have known the warmth of a fire.

To understand warmth is to understand cold. To understand joy is to understand sadness. To understand death is to understand life. To understand life then, is also to understand death.

Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and dies…it cannot bring forth fruit (John 12:24).

You mourn today, but the day will come when your mourning will turn into dancing. If you could but see into the spiritual realm you would be rejoicing with your dear departed, who is now in that eternal home prepared for us, and where in time, you too will make the passing from one realm to the other. We weep because we are very like that child in the womb who cannot see into the other realm. You stand in a hospital and you see the death of the pregnancy has produced a beautiful human being. Yes, you can see that. But what of the death of a person? You don't see anything beautiful resulting. You know that the physical life has gone out of that body, but that is all. Consider the fact that you do not see radio waves, but they are there, and you hear the result when you turn on the receiver. On a rainy day, you do not see the sun but is it not still there?

The breath of life which has gone out of that person, whom we say is now dead on earth, is alive in the spiritual realm and that breath has gone back from whence it came.

God made man from the dust and breathed into him His breath and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7)

The breath which we breathe is God's. We have no control over it as we breathe when we are asleep. It is His breath. He owns it. When a person is said to have died, or passed away, his spirit goes back to God.

It is appointed unto men once to die and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

Does that sound serious? Yes, it is. But there is good news. In order that we would obey God's commandments and live we would need His provision for salvation. It was sin that brought, fear and death and hell. We would need a Saviour. And the first mention of this Saviour was at the Fall when the promised "seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent." Then in Genesis, we read Abraham's prophecy that "God would provide Himself, a Lamb." The Lamb of Exodus. The Passover Lamb. The Blood of the Lamb would allow us to pass over from death unto life. Indeed, death would pass over us because of the Blood of the Lamb (Exodus 12:13). Later, the prophet, Isaiah would proclaim: "God Y'shua) has also become my salvation ( Is. 12:2).

God told Moses, "I Am (has) come down to deliver my people." When Moses asked what name should he tell the people, God said: "Tell them IAM sent you."

Trace the Passover Lamb of Exodus throughout God's Holy Scriptures and stop at Isaiah chapter 53, Zechariah (:9, and 12:10, Psalm 2:12, chapter 22, and 48:16 and glean how we would recognize the Lam of God. Continue through the good news of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul's writings of Him and His redemptive work and rest finally in the Book of the Revelation at the Lamb's enthronement in Heaven. Absorb the fact that the Tabernacle in the wilderness would become the believers at the end of the Bible (Rev. 21:3). Yes, indeed, the poreketh or veil which hung at the Holy of Holies into which only the high priest could enter would tear in two from top to bottom when God's sacrifice hung upon that cross of Calvary (John 1:29). Yes, indeed, God had opened the life gates for all mankind to be redeemed back to Him. At the last supper the juice of the vine, and the unleavened bread signified the Table of Shewbread in the Tabernacle of the wilderness, where only the priest could stand and partake. Now, all believers stand and partake in communion with Him, made priests by Him ( 1 Peter 2:9) and to finally partake of the divine nature ( 2Peter 1:4)

Little did the children of Israel know as they trekked through the wilderness from Egypt to Canaan (to be made humble), that the Ark of the covenant which they bore upon their shoulders was the coffin of the King of Kings. That when the people told Samuel the prophet that they wanted a king whom they could see like the kings of the nations around them (1 Sam. 8:20), that God would indeed enter the human race to be that King. We see God calling Himself after the Davidic covenant "the son of man", the 'son of David", prophet, priest, and the righteous branch of Jesse, and David ( see l and 11 Samuel and the Psalms). Note that the Hebrew word used to describe the Ark of the Covenant is Arone, the same word that is used to describe Joseph's coffin (Ge. 50:26). The word used to define Noah's ark and the Ark of Moses in the bulrushes, is tabel. The Ark of the Covenant in the wilderness was an ossuary, a coffin. And the Tabernacle in the wilderness was a prefiguring of the Salvation Plan.

Do you still mourn? Can there be death when God Himself has given us life everlasting in Him? God loves you. Love never dies. It cannot be destroyed even in death for perfect Love has conquered death and in God, death is the celebration of life. There is more in this booklet, the meaning of the Feasts days and how they apply to the believer past, present, and future. This booklet is beautifully presented in white and gold and has been used in messages of condolence, and at funerals as a memorial, assurance and comfort to those who attend. Click here to order.



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